CV Manfried Welan
Emeritus Professor Dr. Dr.hc. Manfried Welan
1937 Born, Vienna, 13 June 1937
1955 graduated with distinction ("Matura"), Elisabethgymnasium (grammar school), Vienna
Studies of Law and Political Science, University of Vienna, financing studies as theatre supernumerary, reader,
student tutor and unskilled worker
1961 Degree of Doctor of Law; continued studies of political science as autodidact
1961/1962 Legal expert in the administration of the Technical University, Vienna
1962-1966 Private secretary for a chief justice, and recorder for the Austrian Constitutional Court, ministerial
1967-1969 Office for Science, Austrian Chamber of Commerce
1968/69 Professor of Law, Institute for Law, Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), Vienna
1975-1977 Prorector, Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna
1977-1981 Rector, then Vice-rector, Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna
1979-1981 President of the Austrian Rectors' Conference
1982-1986 President, Academy for Environment and Energy of Lower Austria, Laxenburg
1986-1991 Vice-president, Austrian Society for protection of Nature and the Environment (ÖGNU), now Federation of
Environmental Organizations; President, Austrian Ecological Society (ÖGÖ)
1983-1991 Vienna, Member of the City Council and Member of the Federal State Parliament
1986/87 Vienna, City Councillor (Stadtrat) and Member of the State Government of Vienna
1988-1991 Third President of the State Parliament of Vienna
1991-1993 Rector, Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna
1993 Honorary doctorate, University of West Hungary
1994-2000 Visiting Professor for Political Science, European Academy for Journalism, Donau-Universität,
1994-2001 Vice-rector, Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna
1991-2001 Vice-president, Austrian UNESCO Commission
Since 2003 President, UNESCO Association, Vienna
2004 City of Vienna Prize for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2003
2005 Emeritus Professor
Principal fields of activity:
the nation state, political science, law, university policy and administration, the environment
Member of the Executive Committees of:
Demokratiezentrum Wien; Austrian Society for Agricultural and Environmental Law; Institute for Conflict Research; International Center for Advanced and Comparative EU-Russia/NIS Research (ICEUR); Friedensuniversität Schlaining; and Jury of the Lupac Foundation (Lupac-Stiftung)
Many distinctions and awards
25 books, some 250 contributions in technical books and other publications; short contributions in various media.
Since 1982, in collaboration with Professors Christian Brünner und Wolfgang Mantl, publisher of the series "Studien zu Politik und Verwaltung" (Studies in Politics and Administration) - some 100 volumes; co-publisher of the "Zeitschrift für Verwaltung" (Journal for Administration) and the "Journal für Rechtspolitik" (Journal for Legal Policy).
A personal assessment of my scientific work: A "trail-blazer" in Austria in the fields of public law and the legal aspects of political science.